Holdstock Technical Services incorporates knowledge and expertise developed over more than three decades.
Dr Paul Holdstock, the Sole Proprietor, graduated with Bachelor of Science Honours in Applied Physics and Computing Science from Manchester Polytechnic in 1987. He Joined the Shirley Institute (now part of the British Textile Technology Group) as a research officer in the Electrostatics Laboratory. His research studies have included tribocharging of hospital bedding, development of electrically inert fabrics, ignition risks from textile materials (including apparel and industrial fabrics), evaluation of Eurofighter & Joint Strike Fighter aircrew apparel, and electronic damage caused by ESD from textiles. For the latter project he gained a PhD from Bolton Institute / University of Manchester.
Dr Holdstock is a Chartered Physicist and is a member of the Dielectrics & Electrostatics Group at the Institute of Physics. He is also a member of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering Working Party on Static Electricity in Industry. He is Chairman of the BSI Technical Committee on Electrostatics (GEL/101) and past Chairman of the IEC Electrostatics Technical Committee (TC101). His standards activities also include membership and convenorship of working groups and project teams in BSI, CEN, CENELEC, IEC and ISO.